Plans are under way for the development of new heritage walks in Newhaven.
Sussex Community Development Association is working with residents and community groups to create a series of new walks around the town for people to explore on foot or by cycling/wheeling.
The latest group to take part met at Newhaven Town railway station on Tuesday (1 August) for a guided walk of some of the sites nearby.
Historian Jenny Flood took the group to the Sidings to explain more about the importance of the railways to the town and Newhaven’s key role in transporting men and munitions to the Western front in World War I. It was also a chance to look at some of the old photographs of the quay and railways which are on display around the fences.
The walk also took in the new housing development on the site of the former Parker Pen factory in Railway Road. There are lots of nods to the past in the name of the roads and the street furniture.
Other places on the tour included the cottages built by the Earl of Sheffield which were rented to dock workers.
The group will continue to develop ideas and routes for a walk east of the quay.
Southeast Communities Rail Partnership will continue to support efforts to encourage people to use trains and other forms of public transport to explore the area as part of our commitment to provide a voice for the community, promote sustainable and healthy travel, bring communities together and support diversity and inclusion, and support social and economic development.