Southeast Communities Rail Partnership is a Community Interest Company led by the SCRP Board and advised by our Stakeholder Advisory Board. Each of the ten community rail lines has its own Steering Group which develops its annual Action Plan and supports its Line Officer.
The SCRP team
- Fiona Morton, CEO
- Trevor Field, Finance and Fundraising Officer & Deputy CEO
- Sharon Gray, Community Rail Line Officer Uckfield/East Grinstead Line and Tonbridge/Reigate Line
- Rowena Tyler, Community Rail Line Officer Arun Valley Line
- Paul Bromley, Community Rail Line Officer Marshlink Line
- Clair Brough, Community Rail Line Officer Sussex Downs Line
- Sara Grisewood Community Rail Line Officer North Downs Line
- Lynda Spain, Community Rail Line Officer Sussex Coast Line
- Maddy Mills, Community Rail Education Officer GWR
- Cath Reed, Community Rail Education Officer Go Learn
- Andy Pope, Community Rail Senior Line Officer and Community Rail Line Officer 1066 Line
- Sandy Mahon, Community Rail Line Officer Reading to Ashford (Middlesex) & Windsor and Eton Riverside
- Michael Olden, Community Rail Line Officer Hounslow & Richmond Line
Contact us:
SCRP Board & Line Chairs
The Board of SCRP CIC meets five times a year and includes independent Directors, line Chairs and observers. Board members are:
- Tim Barkley, Chair of SCRP CIC and Chair of the Ton Reigate pro tem
- Philip Ayers, Independent Director and Finance Director
- Norman Baker Chair of the Sussex Downs Line Group (formerly Seaford-Brighton)
- Bob Lanzer, Director & Chair of the Arun Valley Line Group & Stakeholder Advisory Board
- Vacancy, Chair of the Tonbridge-Reigate Line Group
- Kevin Boorman, Director & Chair of the Marshlink Line Group
- Mike Goodman, Director
- Hannah Godfrey, Chair of the North Downs Line
- James Abbott, Director & Chair of the 1066 Line
- Cllr Kevin Boram Chair of Sussex Coast
- Cllr Paul Fishwick Chair of Windsor to Reading
- Tim Sparrow Director
- Paul Goddard Director and Chair of Uckfield- East Grinstead & Oxted Line
- Patrick Warner Director
- Sidone Forrest- Brown Chair Hounslow to Richmond
Line Steering Groups
Southeast Communities Rail Partnership works on ten lines. Each line has a local steering group which approves the annual Line Action Plan and works closely with the Line Officer to deliver the Action Plan. The Line Steering Groups meet three times a year including an annual meeting when local stakeholders are invited to presentations and discussions about the activity along their lines.
Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB)
SCRP is guided by its Stakeholder Advisory Board, which meets twice a year to consider current significant issues and to confirm or alter strategic direction. It receives regular reports and project updates from the line groups and the Board of SCRP CIC . The SAB includes representatives of the following organisations:
- Southern Railway
- Great Western Railway
- Network Rail
- South Western Railway
- South Eastern Railway
- Cross Country Trains
- East Sussex County Council
- West Sussex County Council
- Brighton and Hove City Council
- Kent County Council
- Surrey County Council
- South Downs National Park
- 1066 Country Marketing
- Gatwick Airport Ltd.
- Independent (SCRP CIC)
- Chairs of the ten Line Groups