About Us

Who we are

Southeast Communities Rail Partnership is a Community Interest Company led by the SCRP Board and advised by our Stakeholder Advisory Board. Each of the ten community rail lines has its own Steering Group which develops its annual Action Plan and supports its Line Officer.

The SCRP team

Contact us: info@southeastcrp.org 

SCRP Board & Line Chairs

The Board of SCRP CIC meets five times a year and includes independent Directors, line Chairs and observers. Board members are:

Line Steering Groups

Southeast Communities Rail Partnership works on ten lines.  Each line has a local steering group which approves the annual Line Action Plan and works closely with the Line Officer to deliver the Action Plan. The Line Steering Groups meet three times a year including an annual meeting when local stakeholders are invited to presentations and discussions about the activity along their lines.

Stakeholder Advisory Board (SAB)

SCRP is guided by its Stakeholder Advisory Board, which meets twice a year to consider current significant issues and to confirm or alter strategic direction. It receives regular reports and project updates from the line groups and the Board of SCRP CIC . The SAB includes representatives of the following organisations:

More about us