Lewes Railway Station has won first prize in the Community Station section of Southern Railways’ Stars and Tsars competition.

The £1,000 prize is to be shared among all participants to continue their improvement work at the station.
Judges were made up of Southern staff, members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board and external partners. The aim is to celebrate the best in service quality in Southern – thanking those who made a personal contribution towards Southern’s vision of making every journey better for passengers.

In their account of the reason for the Award, Southern said, “Over the past twelve months the team at Lewes has worked with Station staff to transform the station planters and gardens. This has resulted in beautiful colour being brought to the station and help to forge a real sense of community. The station team, the Lewes Town Council and other members of the community also got behind events for the Seaford Line 150th Anniversary, greatly supporting the Sussex Community Rail Partnership.

Sam Bryant, Community Rail Development Manager, added ” This is a wonderful outcome a I am delighted and proud of the efforts of the station team and station partnership, which is continuing to make the station a nicer environment to travel from and work in.