Go Learn Online Workshops (Y6)


Go Learn goes online!

These mini workshops (approx. 30 minutes each) will be run by our Education Officer, Maddy Mills, remotely using either Microsoft Teams or Zoom.  They will cover the topics covered in the Go Learn workshops usually delivered in schools.  These are all free of charge and can be booked for groups of 6 – 30 Y6 pupils.  Some workshops will require materials to be sent to your school (e.g. timetables) and others will require the teacher to print and prepare materials before the workshop.  To book your workshop(s) please e-mail Maddy Mills (maddy@southeastcrp.org) or call her on 07852 221274.

Planning your journey (30 minutes)
This workshop will cover:
• Using maps – using compass points to describe the location of things on a map
• Reading a paper timetable / Southern’s mobile app / timetable quiz – pupils will learn how to read a paper timetable, remember this may appear on their SATs exams!  Will include platforms signs and detaching trains
• What to pack for your journey?  An activity for the pupils to list everything they would need to pack for a train journey if they were travelling without their parents
• Help! Talk about finding help when travelling e.g. staff, signs onboard the train, help points or apps
• What If?… Activity – pupils are given different scenarios that they may encounter when they travel on the train. How will they deal with them?
1. Timetables and Line Guides will be sent to your school prior to your online workshop
2. What If?… Activity – there are 20 different cards.  We recommend printing 1 sets of cards to enable 30 pupils to work in pairs.  Once printed each page will need to be cut up into cards. If you will use these resources again, please consider laminating these cards to preserve their life.  If you will not be using them again, please remember to recycle them!

Train safety (30 minutes)
This workshop will cover:
• Live rail (750 volts, when is it turned off?)
• The ‘yellow line’ on the platform and tactile paving.  What is it and why is it important?
• Freight trains
• Trespassing on the railway, £1,000 fine
• Safety on board the train (evacuation signs)
• British Transport Police text number: 61016
• How safe is the train compared to a car?
• True or false safety quiz
1. True / False wall signs.  These need to be printed and placed either side of your classroom before you start this activity.  Please recycle these signs after use!

Level crossing (30 minutes)
This workshop will cover:
• The different types of crossing (full barrier, half barrier and pedestrian crossings)
• How do they work? Flashing lights, alarms, barriers etc.  What should you do if the barriers start closing when you are on the crossing?
• Train stopping distances
• Live rail (750 volts, how does the train power itself across the crossing with no live rail?)
• Barnes Green level crossing accident Feb 2018
No resources

Careers in railways (30 minutes)
This workshop will cover:
• Mind map activity – pupils think of as many different types of jobs at the station, on the train, in the control centre and in the depot (garage) and add them to their mind map
• Discussion on the average UK salary, what does ‘average’ mean?
• Guess the job activity – we look at the different skills needed to do a variety of jobs on the railway.  Will include salaries for jobs
• Play video of interviews with two GTR apprentices – look out for their salaries!  What’s an ‘apprentice’?
1. Mind Map sheets – print one for every pair of pupils, or one per pupil if you prefer
2. GTR apprentice videos

Sustainable travel (30 minutes)
This workshop will cover:
• What does ‘sustainable’ mean?
• What does ‘traffic congestion’ mean?  Comparing different forms of transport and who takes up the most space on the roads
• What is ‘pollution’? Toxic / non toxic chemicals activity – pupils decide if each chemical in exhaust fumes are toxic or non toxic to humans
• London to Edinburgh Travel Game – pupils rank forms of transport for speed and emissions generated on a trip from London to Edinburgh
• Buses & Biofuels video – discussion about the content of this video
1. Pollution activity wall signs include ‘toxic’, ‘non toxic’ and ‘not sure’.  These need to be printed and placed around your classroom before you start this activity.  Please recycle these signs after use!
2. London to Edinburgh travel cards – each group will need a pack of six Travel Game cards.  We recommend printing 15 sets of cards to enable 30 pupils to work in pairs.  Once printed each page will need to be cut up into cards.  If you will use these resources again, please consider laminating these cards to preserve their life.  If you will not be using them again, please remember to recycle them!
3. Buses & Biofuels video

Healthy travel (30 minutes)
This workshop will cover:
• Activity – what are healthy forms of travel?
• Bus + train = healthy you!
• Safety Game – which forms of transport are the safest
• Stay Safe activity – what can pupils do to make sure they stay safe when walking or cycling to school?

1. Activity signs for healthy travel – wall signs include ‘good’, ‘bad’ and ‘not sure’.  These need to be printed and placed around your classroom before you start this activity.  Please recycle these signs after use!
2. Safety game cards – each group/pair of pupils will need a pack of nine Safety Game cards.  We recommend printing 15 sets of cards to enable 30 pupils to work in pairs.  Once printed each page will need to be cut up into cards.  If you will use these resources again, please consider laminating these cards to preserve their life.  If you will not be using them again, please remember to recycle them!
3. Stay safe mind map – activity sheets can be used individually or in pairs.  Or, to save paper, please ask your pupils to complete the activity in their workbooks.

To book your workshop(s) please e-mail Maddy Mills (maddy@southeastcrp.org) or call her on 07852 221274.  Once booked, Maddy will arrange delivery of the timetables/line guides and/or will send an electronic copy of the materials that the teacher will need to print and prepare.  After the workshop Maddy will send the teacher an electronic feedback form to complete.  It is essential that this form is completed as our future funding depends on it!