During the spring and summer term, both primary schools in Arundel were given pots of sunflower seeds as part of the Greening Arundel initiative.  Pupils took their pots home and diligently tended them.  To continue the sunflower theme, station partners, the Green Team, orchestrated a larger project, which was to create mosaic tiles of clay, working with a group of local artists who offered the use of her kiln.

The children were brought into the project, and local businesses or organisations were invited to sponsor a mosaic board.   They responded positively and the result is a beautiful display of tiles, all depicting a sunflower theme in some way, with messages of hope, or artwork reflecting places dear to Arundel residents’ hearts.

This project was driven by Mary Peach, a local nature enthusiast, who works with the local schools on several projects.

On Saturday 30th November, residents, schoolchildren and visitors to the station congregated to ‘open the trail’ by cutting an ivy garland.