At Pulborough station last week, Arun Valley Line Officer Rowena Tyler was delighted to meet a group of over 50 young pupils from St Mary’s School, Pulborough, congregating safely in the waiting rooms and then onto the platform, in readiness for their train trip to Amberley Museum.
She asked some of the youngsters what they were looking forward to about the day – many of them said ‘going on the train’.
Rowena popped into her office, located on Platform 2, and handed out Thomas the Tank Engine books to the pupils. These are always a hit with young travellers. While waiting safely for the 09.52 to Bognor, which would take them to Amberley, (note the photo, showing it was on time), the children gave a loud cheer of ‘Hurrah for Thomas’, brandishing their new books.
Amberley Museum is situated right by Amberley Station, and is an active station partner.