During the summer term of 2019, one of the Arun Valley Line’s newest station partners, Southway Primary School in Bognor Regis, worked hard on an art project to brighten up the waiting room at the station.
The subject was ‘Self Portraits’.
The children were in Reception when they did the paintings and it followed on from a visit from an artist who taught them how to draw and paint faces by looking carefully and spacing the features out correctly etc.
Southern Rail local maintenance team put the framed results up on a Sunday, during the school summer holidays, ready for parents, pupils, school staff and SCRP Line Officer to come for an ‘official unveiling’ in September.
Two of the Bognor station staff came along as well, to thank the pupils.
The children really enjoyed seeing their artwork on display – even if some of their little legs were not so keen on the walk home!
Sarah Holland, Principal at the school said ‘this is a great start for the partnership between Southway School and the station. We are looking forward to doing more in the future, with pupils and station staff.