
News from SCRP and communities around the railway lines in Sussex, Surrey and Kent.

We love connecting communities to rail

We love connecting communities to rail

February 6, 2025, by Fiona Morton
In addition to Railway 200 events our team continues to support steering groups, commission and install new art work, spruce up planting and recruit station adopters. Last week we shared some of our o...
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Alliances make for great results

Alliances make for great results

January 31, 2025, by Fiona Morton
This week’s update contains so many examples of SCRP working in partnership with disparate groups to achieve great results. We heard from SER about how productive their model of working jointly with...
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Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Charles Willoughby

Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Charles Willoughby

January 27, 2025, by Sandy Mahon
As part of Southeast Communities Rail Partnership project to produce 200 Blue Plaques for Railway 200, here is the story of Charles Willoughby. Charles was born in Dunsden in 1872, one of at least six...
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Railway 200 Blue Plaque: George Gibbins

Railway 200 Blue Plaque: George Gibbins

, by Sandy Mahon
As part of Southeast Communities Rail Partnership project to produce 200 Blue Plaques for Railway 200, here is the story of George Gibbins. George Edward William Gibbins was born in Oxfordshire in 189...
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Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Elsie Lindsey

Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Elsie Lindsey

, by Sandy Mahon
As part of Southeast Communities Rail Partnership project to produce 200 Blue Plaques for Railway 200, here is the story of Elsie Lindsey. Elsie’s mother Rosa Shuff was a housemaid until her marriag...
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Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Charles Parker Sharpe

Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Charles Parker Sharpe

, by Sandy Mahon
As part of Southeast Communities Rail Partnership project to produce 200 Blue Plaques for Railway 200, here is the story of Charles Parker Sharpe. Charles was born in Slough in 1878, one of 9 children...
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Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Lottie Martin

Railway 200 Blue Plaque: Lottie Martin

, by Sandy Mahon
As part of Southeast Communities Rail Partnership project to produce 200 Blue Plaques for Railway 200, here is the story of Lottie Martin. Seven year old Lottie Martin was out picking primroses with h...
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Heads up for weekly highlights

Heads up for weekly highlights

January 23, 2025, by Fiona Morton
Find out who has lost their head in this week’s update.  Great to report on progress on our Blue Plaques Project and individual line events. Check out the stunning mural at Barnes and learn about t...
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Marshlink: It’s Quicker – and Cheaper – by Rail

Marshlink: It’s Quicker – and Cheaper – by Rail

January 20, 2025, by Paul Bromley
Return journeys on the Marshlink line are both quicker and cheaper by rail rather than car, according to a detailed analysis. Network Rail has conducted a study of journey times and costs to and from ...
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