We are pleased to announce that our Go Learn workshops (usually run by our Education Officer standing in your classroom!) will now be available online. Our Education Officer, Maddy Mills, can beam into your classroom, using Microsoft Teams or Zoom, to run a selection of mini workshop lasting 30 minutes each. Maddy said “we’ve spilt up the original hour long workshop into mini 30 minute workshops as we are aware that the pupils’ concentration may be shorter when constantly looking at the screen. We are also offering three new workshops about sustainable and healthy travel, and careers in the railway industry”. All workshops are available free of charge for Year 6 pupils across Sussex. Each workshop has several short activities for the Year 6 pupils to complete. Materials, such as timetables, will be sent to the school in advance of the session and other materials will need to be printed by the school.
Maddy beamed into The Baird Primary Academy in Hastings in July to trial the workshop format. She said “at first the pupils were more excited about seeing their friends in the other classroom bubbles on the screen! But once we got started the workshop ran well and the school invited me back for a second workshop the same week and we talked about careers within the railway. The beauty of being able to do these workshops remotely is that I can pop into a school for just 30 minutes one week and pop back again the next week for another quick workshop.”
Our free station visits and train rides (which are usually run as a follow up to the workshops) have been put on hold until further notice, but Maddy is working on a series of short films to show the pupils around a railway station and level crossings.
For more details please go to the Go Learn Online Workshops page on our website. To book you workshop(s) please e-mail maddy@southeastcrp.org or call 07852 221274.