This week, as part of the community rail week, we did a Try a Train experience with the Friary Gardeners of Hastings. The organisation provides horticultural, occupational training and greater independence to adults with a wide spectrum of autism, learning and physical disabilities.

In the past the gardeners have produced the plants used at Robertsbridge station, this year we decided to include a tour of Hastings Station, as well as a return train trip to Robertsbridge to actually do the planting. The display already looks fantastic. They had such a great day that they have already asked for a second such experience with a different set of trainees.

Our thanks go out to SER and all the staff at the stations, especially Damien Collyer and Harry Stevens at Hastings and Ross Browning at Robertsbridge who hosted on the day and provided tea and cake. Funding was provided by Salehurst and Robertbridge Parish Council.