20th September SCRP held a child safety event for children from Edenbridge Primary school. The premise was to give the children some tools to keep themselves safe as they move towards independence and secondary school.
The year 6 children, 55 in tota,l with a number of adults accompanying, were split into two groups to visit two venues. Edenbridge Town station and the town’s Fire Station.
At the railway station they were met by the Rail Enforcement Officers and SCRP Education Officer Maddy Mills who gave talks on familiarisation of the station, how to keep themselves safe, how to use the ticket machines and what to do if there is a problem. Many questions followed.
The children then swapped venues to visit the Fire Station, where they were met by a Fire Officer for a talk on fire safety and then onto explore the fire engine!
Lastly the two groups returned to school for the last talk of the day delivered by a Kent Police Youth Officer.
It was a great event, lots of fun, the children behaved beautifully and asked many, many, many questions.