A series of posters, designed by local primary school children in conjunction with Christ’s Hospital School, is being displayed in Horsham station to celebrate Horsham District Council’s 2019 Year of Culture.
Each poster represents a month of the year 2019, and is themed according to the events happening in the Horsham area that month as part of the Year of Culture. Children from five local primary schools were invited to spend a day designing the posters in the Art Department of Christ’s Hospital School last June.
The Primary students spent a day designing the posters based on significant landmarks in and around Horsham and also relevant imagery. They created a line drawing which they then added block colour to. Their posters were then scanned in and digitised to produce the final image.
‘The students were fantastic to work with and seemed to enjoy spending the day in the Art Department and learning more about Christs Hospital’ said Alex Naylor, Teacher of Art at Christ’s Hospital. ‘They had been selected by their primary schools as they all had an interest in art and this was evident in how they worked and the posters they designed. They seemed really excited by the prospect of having the chance to potentially have their work displayed around Horsham.’
Each poster includes the name of the primary school involved in its design, including Holbrook, Kingslea, Warnham, Seymour and Wisborough Green Primary School