Family Fun Day

Free Family Fun Day at Reading Railway Station

February 15, 2024

Sandy Mahon

Concept and aims

A collaboration between Southeast Communities Rail Partnership,

Hampshire Community Rail Partnership, South Western Railway,

Great Western Railway, Network Rail and Brighter Futures for Children.

An inclusive free family fun day at Reading Station with a variety of fun activities during half term week.

What happened

We made use of vacant retail spaces in the Brunel Arcade and the concourse to host activities throughout the day such as art projects, ‘I Spy’ quiz and tour of the station, meet the British Transport police and look inside the vehicles, props, photo booth, games, prizes and much more.


The project fulfilled its aim of working in collaboration, reaching out to the diverse demographic of Reading, being able to showcase community rail, integrated and sustainable travel. The community benefitted from free activities and the chance to get to know their local station and staff better.

Feedback forms were collected on the day and the results were overwhelmingly positive. People liked that it was free, the range of activities on offer and the tour of the station. The event was rated as excellent, as was the ‘would definitely attend another event’.


The project was funded by SCRP, Hampshire CRP, the train operating companies, in-kind support from Network Rail, Reading Buses, the British Transport Police.
The event provided a voice for the community, promoted diversity and inclusion, engaged volunteers, achieved successful partnership working and promoted the station and rail travel.

”Fun’’, ‘’Inspiring to kids’’, ‘’Interesting’’, ‘’Family Friendly’’, ‘’Cool’’, ‘’Busy’’, ‘’Enjoyable’’

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